We’re a family of believers who live life serving and loving the One who gave His life serving and loving us.

We are a non-denominational, Bible preaching and teaching church. Our website is in need of someone who would view it as a ministry to take care of it. Meanwhile, come visit us.

We're here to Help

Our Ministries

Our ministry as a rural, community church is first and foremost to encourage and edify one another as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.  To that end we gather together on Sunday mornings.  At 9:45 we have “opening exercises” which consist of prayer and a devotional article that is geared primarily toward the children.

We then break out to Sunday School classes.  Currently we have a children’s class and an adult class.  We have had youth classes in the past, the participants have graduated to the adult class.

Worship and a message from the Word begin at 11:00.  As our church handbook states; we do our best to offer variety in our format as well as our approach to how worship happens; being sensitive to the needs of the congregation as well as the Holy Spirit’s influence and sway.


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What We Believe

We believe the Bible is God's Holy, inspired and infallible Word.  In the Bible we find His Story of creation, the fall and alienation of man from his Creator, and what Almighty God has done for man, to restore him to right relationship.  Jesus came as God in flesh,to die for man's sin, that those who place their faith in Jesus Christ may be reconciled to their Creator and Savior God.

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We Support...

  • Village Missions
  • InFaith
  • OFCR
  • Food For The Poor
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Ready to find out more? Come on by. Everybody's welcome!

We are a small family oriented church that does not have multiple paid staff. We use and depend on God’s people, using the gifts and talents they’ve been given to accomplish the task set before us of encouraging one another and taking the Gospel of Jesus wherever we are.

Jesus Answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

John 14:6

Sunday School & Worship

We offer Sunday School for pre-school through Adults at 10:00 AM
Sunday Worship is at 11:00 AM

Bible Study

Come join us for Bible Study! Our men's group meets Thursdays at 4pm! Our women's group is taking a short break but will be starting back up soon!

Prayer warrior network

Do you need PRAYER? Send us a message through our contact form to have you prayer request sent to our network or prayer warriors!


"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Matthew 4:4