Everybody's welcome! We have a men's ministry, women's ministry, & children's ministry.

Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Ministry
Our current group of men meet Thursday afternoons at 2pm. Join us!
The “Men’s Ministry” at RCC has gone through a number of morphs and changes over the years. Examples of what has been done is a prayer meeting at 5:30 in the morning. Another was a group of men who gathered for coffee, prayer and then attended to mechanical needs of those within the fellowship who had need of this offer. One of the things accomplished during this period was the complete rebuilding of the rear section of a travel trailer to meet specific needs of the owner.
Women's Ministry
Our “Ladies Ministry” meets the first Thursday of every month except July and August. This group includes ladies who formerly attended, regularly attend and are simply interested in the fellowship and want to be included in what goes on.
The Ladies Ministry meets needs within the body as well as supporting a variety of people and ministries outside RCC as well. Funeral luncheons, financial support for various needs, and encouragement for those suffering and shut-in are just some of the needs that this group sees fit to meet as they are able. We welcome any and all who would like to visit and be encouraged by this outreach.
Every 5th Sunday we have a sing in and are presented with a hymn story during service, brought to you by a member of our congregation.
Current Women's Ministry Schedule:
- Will be updated soon!

Children's Ministry
The “Children’s Ministry” at Roberts Community Church is pretty similar to many rural churches of this size, but has the dynamic of a congregation that recognizes its limitations and also has a desire to see the community and the world impacted by the exercising of faith. Foremost is the Sunday School Class that is taught at 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings. This class covers a wide range of ages and often uses the maturity and spiritual awareness of older students to help encourage and enlighten younger ones.
Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) is usually in early to mid-June and is a major method of outreach into our local community. It involves a large number of our women in various capacities, but is also noted for men who get involved in key roles and acts of service.
RCC also works in co-operation with OFCR and frequently there are individual gifts toward that camping ministry which “scholarships” young campers to Summer Bible Camp in Island Park.
What to expect...
Our ministry as a rural, community church is first and foremost to encourage and edify one another as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. To that end we gather together on Sunday mornings. At 9:45 we have “opening exercises” which consist of prayer and a devotional article that is geared primarily toward the children.
We then break out to Sunday School classes. Currently we have a children’s class and an adult class. We have had youth classes in the past, the participants have graduated to the adult class.
Worship and a message from the Word begin at 11:00. As our church handbook states; we do our best to offer variety in our format as well as our approach to how worship happens; being sensitive to the needs of the congregation as well as the Holy Spirit’s influence and sway.
Monday mornings at 9:00 there is usually a faithful gathering of folks for coffee, fellowship and time of study in and application of a Bible passage. Once a month on Monday evening our Board of Elders meets for administration and maintenance purposes.
Our Wednesday morning study in Colossians has finished. Wednesday evenings we are gathering for a study of The Holy Spirit, using a book by that name authored by Jack Cottrell. This study is expected to finish in April, at which time we will likely suspend "in house" Bible studies for the summer.
The Ladies Ministry meets the first Thursday of each month. They usually share a light meal at 6:00 and then have a project or outreach that they turn to. The last couple months have been focused on Christmas boxes in conjunction with Samaritans Purse and Operation Christmas Child.
Outside our church we have a number of ministries that we are involved with and participate in. In no particular order they are as follows. Old Faithful Christian Ranch in Island Park. In July, during Summer Bible Camp we frequently have members involved in various positions of service to help staff that camping program. We financially support the camp corporately and individually. Food For The Poor is an organization headquartered in Coconut Creek, Florida, that serves and ministers to many Caribbean and Central/South American countries. We financially support and help in that work and March of 2017 Pastor Steve had the opportunity to travel to Haiti and see first-hand, the need and the outreach that Food For The Poor has. We support Village Missions financially every month as well as InFaith. See websites for all of the above to gain insight to each of the organizations. The Board of Elders also uses the offering from the fifth Sunday, of the months that have one, to help individuals or organizations with a specific need of which they’ve been made aware. Pastor Steve is available for weddings, funerals and Biblical counseling as needed.